Friday, October 29, 2010
The Terry for Congress campaign has launched their final television ad of the 2010 cycle, a 30-second spot that focuses on Terry’s plan to get the economy moving again by creating new private sector jobs.
“Lee started the campaign talking about creating jobs. That’s the way he’s finishing it,” said David Boomer, Terry’s campaign manager.
The ad was filmed at Midstates Construction Products, a small business located in Omaha. The company’s president, Joe Fulcher, along with several employees flank Terry as he speaks.
Here is the text of the ad:
(Terry): Both parties have lost sight of the fact that the way you create jobs, prosperity and opportunity is to cut wasteful government spending, and getting government out of the way.
You shouldn’t spend money you don’t have and you can’t raise taxes during a recession.
I have always worked for fiscal responsibility—that’s what we do in Nebraska and that’s what we need a lot more of in Washington, D.C.
I’m Lee Terry and I approved this message because we’ve got to stop the spending.
Boomer said that Terry’s focus on cutting federal spending stands in stark contrast with his opponent’s support for two trillion more in spending and debt through the failed stimulus program and government takeover of healthcare.